Creative Manager. Copywriter. Account Manager.

I worked for an agency, Engine Advertising, that acts as the marketing department and production house for Pizzaville. With 80 franchise locations, Pizzaville is one of the largest pizza companies in Ontario and produces an array of marketing collateral in both traditional and digital forms. I was the Creative Manager and responsible for all front-facing materials, offered creative inspiration for our designers and wrote nearly all of the copy that came out of the studio. 


The Great Topping Quest


The app we designed and developed for Pizzaville has an augmented reality (AR) feature that allows users to interact with content. My intention was to gamify the app in order to gain more users and create a new kind of engagement for the audience.

The concept was for users to collect animated toppings that would be "found" at restaurants, in content like direct mail flyers, at events, and even in random spots in a community. Unique prizes would be given when a user collects a certain combination of toppings to create a pizza or menu item. Any coupon prizes are redeemable directly in the app.

A great way to promote app use and act as an onboarding exercise for customers. 


Direct Mail Flyers

A standby for the business, direct mail flyers are sent out 5 times a year. With print runs of 1.2 million, these bad boys get into a lot of hands.


Weekly Email Blasts

Every week we send out nearly 100,000 emails to customers in southern Ontario, creatively suggesting that pizza is the right choice for their next meal. Given Pizzaville's online sales went from 11% of their business to over 40% since Engine Advertising started working with them, the suggestions seem to be working.