Creative Direction & Creative Writing

Traction on Demand was North America's largest dedicated Salesforce consulting firm. They were so good at supporting Salesforce that Salesforce did what any self-respecting multi-national corporation would do: they bought Traction on Demand. But before that happened, Traction on Demand went to San Francisco every year for a massive tech conference called Dreamforce. Traction always put on a memorable splash at the event — of course, 2021 was a bit different (thanks, covid)

I was called to help with the creative direction & creative writing for Traction on Demand’s theme at Dreamforce ‘21. I worked directly with the Associate Creative Director to come up with the over-arching concept of Traction on Demand being Your Guide Inside, helping navigate the ups, downs, arounds, and throughs of the overwhelming conference.


Guiding you from point A to Beyond.

The Dreamforce conference is a monster. It’s complicated and most people would have a hard time navigating it without some sort of help. This is where Traction on Demand came in. I labeled them as Your Guide Inside for anyone involved in the event. Traction on Demand gave the lowdowns and the updates as they came in during a massive amount of virtual engagements.


Here, there, and everywhere

Since the Dreamforce conference went virtual (thanks again, covid) one of the big challenges was to keep our theme up as Traction on Demand pivoted and had their consultants present from their homes. Since the theme was so visual, we were able to supply consultants with branded props that brought the Traction on Demand vibe into viewers’ homes.


The Inside Line

During the conference, Traction on Demand provided daily recaps of the announcements via a newsroom-style program that I named The Inside Line. The unorthodox approach was very well-received.


Know No Bounds.

Ultimately, we wanted attendees of the Dreamforce conference to know that a partnership with Traction on Demand would mean limitless opportunity.

Poster of maze called Know No Bounds