2022 IKEA Canada Summary Report

After using their funky allen key to put together I-don’t-know-how-many pieces of furniture, I was delighted at the chance to work with IKEA Canada to put together their corporate summary report for 2022. I am indebted to my art director, Andrea Ceolato, for working with me on this project — he proves that teamwork makes the dream work. We pulled off this document with a crushingly short timeline and as Creative Director on the project I was heartened to know that the team that works at IKEA Canada were just as nice as everyone says they are.


It’s all in the details

There was a lot of information to squeeze into a small amount of space but with clever use of colour and icons, we made it work.


What they said…

“We had such a fantastic time working with Patrick Brealey and his team on this year’s Summary Report. Anyone looking for a stand up graphic/designer and creative partner — highly, highly recommend Patrick and his team! Big thanks!”
— Stephanie Hartnett, Communications and Operations Manager at IKEA Group


All images © IKEA Canada