A delicious writing assignment

I admit it: I like to drink beer. So when the Brave Brewing Company asked if I wanted to write quirky back stories for their new brews I hopped at the chance. See what I did there? Each can had a unique interpretation of the brand as designed by Pedriks Studio and it was my job to intertwine the flavour profile of each beer with the design, colour, and name, which had already been decided upon. Never to back down from a challenge, I stepped up to the plate.



Life comes at us like a steam engine, hurtling down the line. Most are coins on the track, oblivious to their oblivion. But you know you can either hop that train or get crushed under the weight. When it’s down to the wire, you take the wheel, grab the last straw, and stick it between your teeth.

Grace Under Pressure is crisp, classic lager that pushes through with poise and integrity. A refreshing reprieve from a world that doesn’t stop until you tell it to.



Many try, but few have what it takes to endure. For greatness isn’t achieved in a day.

But you have the grit to forsake the idea of impossible. You have the guts to step over a line in the sand.

With a complex maltiness and caramel backbone, Last One Standing is an equally badass amber lager with the courage to know there is nothing on the other side of fear.



The chemistry of attraction is an equal blend of familiar comfort and the thrill of the unknown. Feeling like you’ve known someone forever even though you just met.

A hazy halo surrounds them as they walk in the room. You put your heart on the line and ask, “Hey, can I buy you a hop-forward-IPA-with-a-pillowy-head-and-a-hint-of-citrus-on-the-nose?”

They blush.


GUTS & GLORY • West Coast IPA

Not all heroes wear capes. Some of them just wear a full-body leotard and get away with it. Talk about guts.

Each day, you don your superhero outfit (jeans & a hoodie) and face the barrage of life. You slay the day, leaving your to-do list begging for mercy. Being invincible is awesome.

Guts & Glory is an action-packed West Coast IPA, dank as a batcave with smacks of pine and grapefruit.



A spotlight splices the darkness. You shed your inhibitions and step centerstage. Bravo to your bravado.

As the curtain falls, a floral bouquet lands at your feet. The audience goes graciously ballistic. When they said, “Break a leg!” this what they meant.

Malt forward and delicately bitter, this classic German pilsner stands out from the crowd with notes of spice and biscuit.