Ikea Canada Summary Report 2022

When I went out on my own as a Creative Director, I had hopes and aspirations. Some realistic, some that felt like pipe-dreams. But one thing stuck out: I had a vision — a premonition, if you will — that I would do work with Ikea. From everything I had heard, they were a fantastic company to work for, treating their coworkers with respect and providing them with support beyond what most companies of their size offer.

Recently, that vision became a reality when I had the opportunity to work on Ikea Canada’s 2022 Summary Report. I feel very grateful for the chance to work with the incredible communications team at Ikea and was able to complete the project in a relatively rapid (read: breakneck) pace. A bajillion thanks to my compadre of design, Andrea Ceolato, without whom I would have been in a very different position (and likely completely sleep-deprived) to get this project done on time.

There are a few shots below and you can download the entire project here.

Of course, all images here are property of Ikea.

Patrick Brealey